Our Crew

Life Member

We would like to acknowledge Keith Broadfoot as our inaugural honorary life member of the Dementia Research Community. Keith was a dedicated supporter of our charity since its inception and his passion, energy and dedication will be with us forever.

Committee Members

Meet the faces of the Dementia Research Community and organising committee behind Bondi2Berry – each of us volunteer our time to deliver our great events to help end dementia. Click here to find out more about our Research Committee.

Nick Young


My dad was diagnosed with dementia in 2011 and passed away in August 2022. This gave my family and I a steep learning curve, and greater understanding of what this disease is all about. Seeing my dad deteriorate from the person I grew up with led to me to co-founding the Bondi2Berry Ride to Remember in 2016. The awareness and fundraising we achieve allows the community to learn about dementia and to feel comfortable talking about dementia. Our events fund research for a cure for dementia and I am extremely proud of what we have achieved so far, and look forward to growing our charity into the future.

Nicole Stanners

Vice President + Marketing and Events

My beautiful healthy mum, Dianne Stanners, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in early 2016 and sadly passed away in October 2020 at the age of 76. It is soul destroying to watch what this insidious disease does to someone you love and the challenges it brings to their carers and families. That is why I rode the first Bondi2Berry and am on part of the Committee. I hope we can not only help find a cure but raise understanding and empathy in the community to help those with Dementia live rich and fulfilling lives.

Niki Picherit


My grandmother suffered from dementia. Over a period of years I saw first hand as she lost her memories, sense of identity and ability to recognise those she knew and loved.

The events organised by the Dementia Research Community are so important in helping to raise awareness of dementia as well as bringing together an amazing community of people, so many of whom share similar stories of loved ones impacted by this cruel illness. It’s a privilege to be on the Committee and help continue to grow and advance the DRC as it works to raise funds to try and help find a cure.

Jack Parr


My partner’s grandmother suffered from Dementia and I saw the pain and frustration that it caused not only her, but her family and friends too.

I met Nick through a local tri club and jumped at the opportunity to contribute to such a great cause when he asked me about taking on this role. I did my first B2B ride in 2021 and have seen what great work the charity has done to increase awareness around the disease, raise vital funds to help find a cure as well as put on such brilliant, fun events.

Brooke Penny

Volunteer Co-Ordinator

My battle with dementia is personal, and one I am sure will sneak up on me. After a freak accident in my home and almost 12 months of recovering, I now have an increased risk of developing early-onset dementia as I age.

During my recovery, I faced dementia-like symptoms daily, and my family saw first-hand how awful this disease is. I am riding with Bondi2Berry to raise much-needed funds to learn more about dementia, how to stop it, and one day, hopefully, find a cure.

Claire Collins


I have been involved with the Bondi2Berry event since 2019 when i was offered the opportunity to come on board as one of the medics. I have been able to support both single day rides and the multi day rides over the past 4 years and am so inspired by the passion and determination of all involved. Finding a cure for dementia is the goal and research is the key. It’s a privilege to be part of the committee.


Training rides & operations

My grandmother had Dementia and I saw the frustration this caused her as well as the impact to my family helping to look after her and this was my opportunity do some something positive. I did the first Bondi2Berry event and seen how many people were impacted by this disease, so I decided I wanted to be involved with and help it grow each year. I feel privileged to be part of the amazing B2B Committee.

Jo Lees

Social Media

My mother-in-law passed away from dementia related complications in November 2020. This was made especially difficult as we were still in the throes of border lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic, so my husband and his family were unable to spend time with her in her final days. I decided to ride Bondi2Berry and join the Committee to raise money for this insidious disease and not only try to find effective treatment and a cure but also to support those who are left behind.

Dan Keily


Sometimes I spend longer at the coffee shop than I spent on the bike but to me the banter is just as important as the Strava segments. My wife, Cassie, and I through our company have sponsored the B2B ride since its inception. Supporting the event is very important to me and I have enjoyed watching it grow and achieve fantastic success.

Tom Chard

Fundraising & Research

My Mum was diagnosed with early onset dementia in her 50s, which was a shock to our whole family. Mum has taken the diagnosis in her stride and has tried to make the best of a difficult situation over the years. I jumped at the opportunity to be on the Bondi2Berry Committee which has given me a chance to tangibly be involved in dementia related initiatives and help continue to grow the event and community that is Bondi2Berry.